Hello. Second post of the day, but I just gotta do it again. My name is BonnieJean and I am 20 something years old. I am a daughter, sister, friend,
fiance, roommate, student teacher, and lover of all things of the future. I am obsessed with the future, and planning it. I love looking at blogs, websites, and anything to do with home decorating, babies and families, weddings, DIY things, etc.
Isaac and I are currently planning our wedding. More like I am
slightly obsessing and he is keeping me calm and is just great at making decisions and helping me make our dreams come true :]
Isaac and I met in high school. (here we are sophomore year of highschool)

He proposed last May

and we are getting married July, 24th, 2010.
You can checkout our wedding website @ BonnieJeanandIsaac.com
In the meantime, we are finishing up school at Western Washington University, in Bellingham WA. We are both Education majors, and after the wedding we will be student teaching back home in Tacoma. We are super excited to go home, but very sad to leave beautiful Bellingham.
I for one am having a tough time imagining leaving. For one reason in particular, I will no longer be living with my bestest friend, Meg.

She is a pretty amazing woman. You will probably hear lots about here if you stick around. We also met in high school, about the same time I met Isaac. After high school we were roommates in the dorms freshman year, and have lived together now for almost four years!! She will still be living in Bellingham next year, therefore I will be in Bellingham a heck of a lot next year too :]
For me, this blog is going to be a way for others (i.e. family, friends, followers) to keep up on what the Thomas' (my gosh!!!) are up to! Also, this will be a place for me to save bunches of my thoughts and ideas about futuristic "stuff". The way I see it, I can have all the ripped out magazine pictures and saved online clips I can find, but if I can't find them when I need them, what's the point?? So here it goes!!
Love, BonnieJean