Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yes Please: take a look at this beauty

well as we might have mentioned before, we're hopeful home buyers.

take a look at this beaut.

brick. the yard. hardwoods. ++much more.

we're lovin it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Yes Please: a perfect dining room table

Well isn't this perfect for our non-existent budget?? :) YES PLEASE!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

We're outta here!

Leaving in T - 5 minutes for a mini trip with our Thomas family out to Leavnworth, WA :)

Here's to hoping that IF I venture into the snow that a repeat of LAST time does not occur :)

Have a great week!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yes Please: Huge laundry room sink

I feel like all I've been finding lately is "wants" but if we could find a huge sink like this maybe at the ReStore or something I would just be so happy. There are just so many reasons to LOVE having a huge sink in a laundry room. yes yes yes.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fun decoration

love this idea to use some of the sheets I've been saving :]

Something to do with all our insulators

this is so cool.

I can't wait to make them...

Did you see the brick in the background of one picture... love it.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

why hello there

we're alive!

isaac graduates THIS saturday, march 19, 2011.

after that i have a two week (yup, my school takes a two week) spring break!
for spring break we are going to take a few mini-trips, day trips, and stay-cations. i.cannot.wait to just HANG :)

Isaac will start work full time at DB and boy is he excited. childhood dream come true excited. skimboarding and working for a skimboard (+ skateboard, etc.) company... he will be a very happy boy :)

we have been informed that we will be "DINKS" haha (double income no kids)

and with being DINKS come some pretty exciting things :) as in we have been spending quite a large amount of time at places like www.zillow.com

AAAAAAANNNNNNDDDDD another exiting thing....

one of my sweet friends, Shannon, GOT ENGAGED!! :) She was one of the bridesmaids in our wedding and we are just SO HAPPY for her and her fiance, Justin!

We love you Shanimal :)