that would be if i wasn't teaching again next year at the best high school in tacoma {i'm sure i'm not partial or anything...} i interviewed last week for a continuing contract back at SAMi and they offered me the job! my summer will be ending aug 29 when i go with the entire school to camp :) what public school starts their year with a 3 day camp? SAMi :)i'm so excited to be back!
in the meannnnntime... i've been spending most of my days with my two main ladies {linds and alli}. we've been snugglin and watching movies at home...

skimming at the beach at skimcamp as isaac's campers :)

piggin' out at RTB {round table buffet for those not in the know}

and making super awesome headbands we found on pinterest

and today we went to wildwaves {unfortunately no pictures, but very fun!!}
this weekend was the DB Pro/AM Skimboarding Competition a DashPoint State Park. the weather was perfect, and the day was amazing! for detailed information you can check out the DB Website buuuut isaac took first in the PRO, Josiah took 3rd in the AM, and Seth took 1st in the U16 :) So much fun and there were even girl competitors {3} this year which was so fun! Here's a pic of the top 5 pros:

Photo by Matt McDonald | More Photos: here
And here's one of the ladies who helped cheer them on:

in addition...we've been hanging out with friends, family and lost more fun stuff :) we had the privilege of attending our friend Lorien & Taylor's wedding... they had these super cute centerpieces honoring all the teachers at their wedding.. guess who got a shout out :)

their wedding was so fun and filled lots of personal touches {like a peanut butter and jelly unity sandwich} so fun to see lots of college friends...
coming up in the Thomas household:
*YL Camp Malibu
*3 more weddings {1 that I am honored to be a part of}
*Our 1 year wedding anniversary {camping and mini-trip}
*skimboard competitions
*lots and lots more :)
hoping isaac will post about the comp a bit, but not so sure about that actually happening... see ya in a month {always hope for sooner, but inevitably it takes way too long to do updates}.
<3 the thomas's