Friday, May 7, 2010

I needed this :] Thank you, Emily!

I am officially at the point in my (21 quarter + 20 hour/week internship + job + wedding planning + trying to have a life outside of these things (i.e. God, friends, family, etc.)) Spring that I am needing some reality checks. Emily's post, from here, came at the perfect time.

I am unfortunately feeling like Martha, and I want to be Mary. (Luke 10:38-42)

Isaac and I are going home to Tacoma in the morning, and I am looking forward to it. As much as I do not want to be away from Bellingham in one of my very last weekends up here, I am looking forward to a break from reality, with family and {hopefully} friend time! We have decided to go to the $2 theater for a date night, and I am so excited! We cant even remember the last movie we saw in theaters! We dont even know what we are going to see... but we're going! Maybe get a little Gotta Have It Birthday Cake Remix (if you haven't, please do!) from Coldstone! :] Yum Yum Yum!!

Still working on that invites post, hopefully it will be up soon!!

Happy Mothers Day Weekend!!

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